Tuesday 6 August 2013



                          UNDER ATTACK...

This virus is not of dengue and malaria.Neither of cold or cough. It is more hazardous than these. It cause an ever lasting fever. The fever of  MONEY.

This epidemic is spreading since last many decades and till now has infected the whole world. Once caught by this disease, it's effects aren't ephemeral.
Now, coming to the epoch-making point, how is it affecting the lives of children, specially the poor ones.
The Indian government has started many schools for poor children, but by mistake have given the control to lucre loving people, who only have lure to lolly. The poignant tragedy that happened on 16 July 2013 made us overwhelmed, when 23 small children died in Chapra district, Bihar after eating the poisonous mid day meal. This maladministration cost us 23 young lives and the epicenter of this disaster was MONEY. People pinched money from children's fees and those lackadaisical used insecticide instead of oil.

It is lucid that the idiosyncrasy for money has made man fall in his own eyes. And the piece de resistance of these people are they are never ashamed of what they do.
laconically we can say that they can even 'Turn a laurel to wilt'.

But now a days these meretricious people have became inspiration for thousands. Even the gutsy gets the feeling of nervousness.
These silver seeking people are like a Colorado beetle to mankind. As the beetle destroys the whole potato plant with just a bite, these people are doing the same to human values.
So let's do something so that a zephyr of generosity starts flowing through the desert of atrocities !!
let's join our hands to destroy this money virus by the antibiotic of philanthropy. 

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